Cleaning your makeup brushes is always a must, to avoid transforming any bacteria to your face and also to get the perfect application. But let's be honest here, sometimes deep cleaning your makeup brushes can be a source of annoyance (or at least for me). So to solve this problem that keeps haunting me down, I found an alternative for deep cleaning the brushes but it was a bit overpriced so instead of buying a bottle of "Makeup Brushes Spot cleaner" for a lot of money I decided to make my own. Another thing I've decided was to share this DIY with you guys because it only requires few cheap things and the most important thing because IT WORKS. I use my Spot Cleaner after each time I use the brushes and every weekend I deep clean them.
First things first, what you will need for this DIY are very basic and simple stuff that may be laying around your house already.
You will need:
1- A spray bottle, I used an empty Herbal Essences hairspray bottle.
2- Distilled water to fill three quarters of your spray bottle.
3- 1tablespoon of rubbing alcohol to contaminate the brushes and to kill any bacteria.
4- 1/2tablespoon of Johnson's baby shampoo.
Mix them all together and give the spray bottle a good shake then voila you have your makeup brushes spot cleaner.
Spray the mix on the hairs of the brush avoiding the metal area to avoid getting hairs out of the brush
After you've sprayed your makeup brush, use a tissue paper and move the brush all over the tissue paper to get all of the makeup out.
Here are my brushes after I have spot cleaned them and on the right is the tissue paper with all the makeup residues I got out of my makeup brushes.
If you've tried this spot cleaner please tell me in the comments how did it turn out and if you liked it or not.

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